HomeCSharpC# Program to Generate Register Number Automatically for 100 Students using Static Constructor

C# Program to Generate Register Number Automatically for 100 Students using Static Constructor

In the realm of student management systems, the assignment of unique register numbers is a fundamental task. Automation plays a crucial role in ensuring efficiency and accuracy in this process. In this C# program, we delve into the world of object-oriented programming to accomplish precisely that.

Problem statement

Design a C# program that automates the process of generating unique register numbers for a group of 100 students. This program should utilize a static constructor to ensure efficiency and accuracy in the registration process.

C# Program to Generate Register Number Automatically for 100 Students using Static Constructor

using System;

class Student
    private static int counter = 1000;
    private string registerNumber;
    private string name;

    // Static constructor to initialize the counter
    static Student()
        counter = 1000; // Start with 1000

    public Student(string name)
        this.name = name;
        this.registerNumber = "R" + counter.ToString();

    public void DisplayDetails()
        Console.WriteLine("Name: " + name);
        Console.WriteLine("Register Number: " + registerNumber);

class Program
    static void Main()
        Student[] students = new Student[100];

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            students[i] = new Student("Student " + (i + 1));

        // Display details for all students
        foreach (var student in students)

How it works

Sure, I’ll explain how the C# program works step by step:

  1. Student Class:
    • The program starts by defining a Student class. This class represents a student and has two private fields: registerNumber (to store the generated register number) and name (to store the name of the student).
    • Additionally, it has a static field called counter which will be used to generate unique register numbers.
    • The static constructor static Student() initializes the counter to 1000. This is only executed once, the first time any member of the class is accessed.
    • There is a constructor public Student(string name) which takes the name of the student as an argument. It assigns a register number in the format “RXXXX” where XXXX is the current value of the counter.
    • DisplayDetails() is a method that displays the name and register number of the student.
  2. Main Method:
    • In the Main method, an array of Student objects (students) is created to hold information for 100 students.
    • A loop iterates 100 times to create 100 student objects. For each student, a new Student object is created, and a register number is automatically generated.
    • After creating the students, another loop is used to display the details of each student.
  3. Execution:
    • When the program is executed, the static constructor is called automatically before any other members of the class are accessed.
    • As students are created, their register numbers are assigned automatically, starting from R1000 and incrementing for each new student.
    • Finally, the details of all 100 students are displayed, showing their names and respective register numbers.
  4. Output:
    • The program outputs the details of all 100 students, demonstrating the successful automatic generation of register numbers.

By utilizing a static constructor, the program ensures that the counter is initialized only once, and every new student object receives a unique register number. This approach encapsulates the register number generation logic within the Student class, promoting clean and efficient code.



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