September 2023

Showing 141 - 160 of 184 results
C# is a versatile programming language widely used in various applications. In this example, we will explore a straightforward C#...
In this example, we’ll create a C# program that prints odd numbers within a specified range, showcasing the language’s capabilities...
Boxing and unboxing are fundamental concepts in C# related to the manipulation of value types and reference types. Problem Statement...
In this example, we’ll explore a simple C# program to determine if a given number is even or odd, showcasing...
The python program demonstrates how to print the boundary traversal of a binary tree, which includes printing the left boundary,...
This python program calculates the number of leaf nodes in a given tree data structure. Problem Statement Given a tree,...
This Python program is designed to analyze a list of numbers and compute the sums of specific categories within that...
Intro In this program, we’ll create a Python program to find the minimum and maximum elements in a Binary Search...
In finance, a binomial tree is a graphical representation used to model the price movement of financial instruments over time....
This Python program implements Bucket Sort, a sorting algorithm that divides the input data into buckets and then sorts each...
A linked list is a linear data structure used in computer science to store and manage collections of elements. In...
This Python program counts the number of non-leaf nodes in a given tree data structure. A tree is a hierarchical...
In this python program, we’re addressing the task of adding corresponding positioned elements of two linked lists. Linked lists are...
In this Python program, we will reverse a linked list without using recursion. We’ll implement a non-recursive approach to reverse...
In this Python program, we’ll walk you through a straightforward method to count how many times a particular element appears...
A circular singly linked list is a variant of the linked list data structure in which the last node points...
In this Python program, we’ll be implementing a stack using two queues. The stack data structure follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)...
Palindrome detection is a common problem in computer science, where a palindrome is a string or sequence of elements that...
A circular linked list is a variation of the linked list data structure where the last node’s ‘next’ pointer points...
In this Python program, we’ll tackle the task of finding the largest element within a Doubly Linked List. Doubly Linked...

