

Showing 1 - 20 of 18645 results
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-32767: Internal error. Reason for the Error An unexpected error occurred. Solution Examine the message(s) that accompany...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00211: OCR batch operation failed. string Reason for the Error Setting a set of Oracle Cluster Registry...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00210: failed to get value for OCR key “string”. string Reason for the Error It was not...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00209: Listen for DNS requests failed. IP address string port number is in use. Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00208: Network endpoint “string” already in use. Reason for the Error The creation of an endpoint failed...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00207: Creation of a network endpoint failed due to lack of permissions. Reason for the Error The...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00206: Creation of a network endpoint failed. Reason for the Error The creation of a listening endpoint...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00205: string self-check failed while in “recovery” state. Reason for the Error The self-check had previously succeeded...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00202: string first self-check failed. Reason for the Error GNS was unable run the self-check the first...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00201: string first self-check name resolution failed. Reason for the Error GNS was unable to resolve the...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00197: string Self-check failed due to failure in name resolution. Reason for the Error The self-check failed...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00196: Self-check succeeded after previous failure. Reason for the Error This is an informational message which indicates...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00194: Time needed for resolution of name “string”: string ms exceeded threshold of string ms Reason for...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00193: Deletion of OCR key “string” failed. string Reason for the Error GNS was unable to delete...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00192: string Open of OCR key “string” failed. string Reason for the Error GNS was unable to...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00191: No records registered. Reason for the Error A query was made for the names registered in...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00190: No records found for “string”. Reason for the Error No records could be found for the...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00188: The value for parameter “string”: number may only be from number to number. Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00187: Listening address “string” is not on the public network. Reason for the Error The address specified...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00186: Insufficient privileges. Reason for the Error The user attempted an operation for which he or she...

