
August 2011

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results
Well , its been long time that I did it . Yes , its listening to the Music when i...
Every time, i write a post on the programming language ranking, i end up asking, “Do the ranking matter”? Not...
The Windows Phone Toolkit – August 2011 (7.1 SDK) was released a few days back and is now available for...
We were in a campus recruitment program today and i was happy hear a statement from my manager that there...
Sometimes , the windows phone developers might be required to select the photo or image from the Windows Phone Media...
In this blog post and in the upcoming blog posts, i will share the source code of my small App...
I came across the requirement to use the “IN” equivalent of LINQ when using Entity Framework . I am sure...
Recently, one of my friends asked me what technology within .NET that I like most although he knew what the...
Looks like the Windows Phone 7 UI (Metro UI) is getting more popular especially among different communities. Default WinRAR Theme...
Sometimes or in fact most of the time, it happens that we try to fix the same issue or problem...
Face.com provides an face recognition API that offers the developers and publishers to automatically detect and recognise faces in photos...

