Below are the list of some the popular sentences that most of the programmers speak in their day to day life.

Popular Sentences that Most Programmers Speak
- You need to put extra effort.
- There are 2 things to it.
- It works in my machine.
- Give me 10 mins . The fix should be ready.
- Its not a Bug . Its a feature.
- Why ?
- Can you restart the machine ?
- This code is crap . I have to rewrite the logic.
- I got some error in my code .
- It works in android and iOS , it should work the same in Windows too.
- What browser version are you running?
- Its the testers responsibility to test the application not the Developers.
- We will do it.
Are there any other sentences that you observed the programmers speak every day ? . Feel free to share it in the Comments section.