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Do you want to select a block of text in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and want to replace the text...
Want to Insert a Blank Line above the currently selected line in Visual Studio 2012 ? Use the Shortcut Key...
If you want to retrieve the list of all the Installed Voices Programatically from Windows Phone using C# , you...
The Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 comes with two default themes Light Dark. By default, the theme for the Visual Studio...
Speech Recognition & Text-to-Speech is a cool feature which can be used by the developers in their windows phone to...
There are times when you want to zoom in or zoom out in the Editor of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012....
In one of my previous blog post, we learnt how to implement the speech recognition in Windows Phone 8 using...
Do you want to hide the start page in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 within few simple steps? Here we go....
By Default, when you launch the Visual Studio 2012, the Start Page is shown. If you want to skip the...
If you are a developer who creates too many new projects / opens many projects to try out some things...
In this blog post, we will see how to set different language for the speech recognizer in Windows Phone 8...
Do you want to retrieve the list of installed speech recognizers in Windows Phone? The Windows Phone 8 SDK provides...
This article will explain in simple steps on how to use the Speech Recognition in the Windows Phone App using...
When using the automatically implemented properties in C#, we cannot have the property with just a get. When attempting to...
In our previous article, we saw how to install Windows Phone Toolkit using NuGet Package Manager Console by executing the...
The installation of the Windows Phone toolkit to your project can be done using the NuGet Package manager Console. Ensure...
When trying to install the Windows Phone toolkit via NuGet Manager in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, you might receive the...
This blog post will list out some of the best alternatives to WinRAR. WinRAR is one of the popular data...
When using SharePoint Server 2013 with Office 365 which hybrid topology should one use? Microsoft has released a document/model which...
There are times when you want to integrate the URL Shorteners in your SharePoint websites to make the URL looks...

