

Showing 1 - 20 of 232 results
Pass data between Pages in Windows Phone One of the most common task when performing the navigation in a windows...
If you want to programmatically detect if the Windows Phone has the front facing camera , you can easily do...
The Windows Phone 8 SDK provides the Navigate method defined in the NavigationService which lets the developers to provide ability...
In one of the previous article , we saw how to create Application Bar using XAML in a WP8 Oxygene...
The Application Bar in Windows Phone is commonly called as AppBar provides the users with easy and quick access to...
When you include a splash screen image to your Windows Phone project , the phone will automatically scale the image...
Recently , I received an error when trying to run an app on one of the Windows Phone 8 ....
In one of my previous blog post , i explained how to refresh Webpage every few minutes using HTML meta...
One of the common ways to refresh webpage every few mins is by using JavaScript or HTML Meta tag. For...
Here’s a simple trick to easily identify the extension methods in the Visual Studio Intellisense . The extension methods are...
There are many different ways in which one can declare an array in C# . In this blog post ,...
The Copy HTML Markup Feature allows you copy the sourcecode as HTML in Visual Studio 2013 . This is an...
The Go To Definition with Control Click features allows the developers to navigate to the definition by control clicking (...
The TimeStamp in Debug Output Window feature adds the timestamp on different debug messages in the Debug Output Window in...
The “Double Click to Maximize Window” features allows the developers to double click any window within Visual Studio 2013 to...
The Block Structure Visualizer features create markers in the Visual Studio 2013 Editor for every block of your code. Just...
DataTemplate lets the developers use multiple controls or elements within the ItemsControl, ListBox and LongListSelector controls. In one of the...
The ItemsControl in Windows Phone has the ItemsSource property which can be assigned a collection such as Lists or Arrays...
When developing Windows Phone 8 app , one would have noticed that the ListBox control is no longer shown in...
Data Binding is one of the important concept in Windows Phone 8. The Data Binding is generally done with the...

