Showing 381 - 400 of 422 results
If you want to Truncate Data or delete all the data from the table in Entity Framework (.NET 4.5) ,...
In one of my previous blog post , I wrote about How to retrieve the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone...
Here’s another tip where you could export the query result to .csv file in SQL Server. How to Export the...
Today, when I was trying to insert a value to a table in SQL Server which had single quotes, I...
MvcMailer is an ASP.NET MVC Mailer that helps the ASP.NET MVC developers to easily compose email using ASP.NET MVC views....
In C# , when you are using an Auto-Implemented Properties , you can use the constructor of the class to...
In one of my previous blog posts, I wrote about Screenshot App for Windows Phone Mango Windows Phone 7 Screen...
Sometimes, you might want to query the  SQL Server version to know its exact version number and other information like...
When developing a Windows Phone 8 App, you might want to rename the default MainPage.xaml file or wish to change...
In one of my previous blog post, I explained about the new feature in the Windows Phone 8 SDK –...
Sometimes , it is might be possible where the user might like a specific audio in an app and wish...
The developers can make use of the MarketplaceSearchTask to search the Windows Phone Marketplace for a specific search keywords. Not...
There might be scenarios where the developers might want to provide an option for the users to review the current...
In one of my previous blog post, I explained the use of the MapDownloaderTask in Windows Phone. In this blog...
When using the PhoneCallTask (below code snippet) in Windows Phone 8 , i got an error “An unhandled exception of...
One of the cool feature in Windows Phone 8 SDK is the inclusion of the Battery API in the SDK...
I use Internet Explorer a lot and sometimes Google Chrome too. When using the latest version (v23.0.1271.64m) of the Google...
In this blog post, I will share some information of how to install ASP.NET MVC and setup the development environment....
You can easily upgrade a Windows Phone 7.1 project to Windows Phone 8 and utilize the new features of the...
This is a really simple one . Below is a simple example of an enum called “Designation” defined with the...

