HomePythonPython Program to Flatten a Nested List using Recursion

Python Program to Flatten a Nested List using Recursion

This Python program flattens a nested list using recursion.Flattening a nested list refers to the process of converting a list that contains sub lists (which can themselves contain sub lists) into a single, one-dimensional list. This transformation simplifies the structure by removing any levels of nesting. To achieve this using recursion, we implement a function that iterates through each element of the list.

Problem Statement

You are given a nested list that contains integers and sub lists. Your task is to write a Python function to flatten the nested list using recursion and return a single, one-dimensional list containing all the elements.

Python Program to Flatten a Nested List using Recursion

def flatten_nested_list(nested_list):
    flattened_list = []
    for item in nested_list:
        if isinstance(item, list):
    return flattened_list

# Example nested list
nested_list = [1, [2, 3, [4, 5]], 6, [7, [8]]]

flattened_list = flatten_nested_list(nested_list)
print("Original Nested List:", nested_list)
print("Flattened List:", flattened_list)

How it Works

  1. Initial Call: The flatten_nested_list function is called with the initial nested list [1, [2, 3, [4, 5]], 6, [7, [8]]].
  2. Iteration 1: The function enters the loop and encounters the first item, which is 1. Since it’s not a list, it’s directly added to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list: [1]
  3. Iteration 2: The function moves to the next item, which is [2, 3, [4, 5]]. This is a sublist, so the function enters a recursive call with this sublist.
  4. Recursive Call: Now the function is called with the sublist [2, 3, [4, 5]].
    1. Iteration 1 (Recursive): The function encounters 2, which is not a list. It’s added to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list (inside recursion): [2]
    2. Iteration 2 (Recursive): The function encounters 3, another non-list item, and adds it to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list (inside recursion): [2, 3]
    3. Iteration 3 (Recursive): The function encounters [4, 5], which is a sublist. A new recursive call is made with this sublist.
  5. Recursive Call: The function is now called with the sublist [4, 5].
    1. Iteration 1 (Recursive): The function encounters 4 (non-list) and adds it to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list (inside deeper recursion): [4]
    2. Iteration 2 (Recursive): The function encounters 5 (non-list) and adds it to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list (inside deeper recursion): [4, 5]
    The recursion at this level is done, and the result [4, 5] is returned back to the previous level of recursion.
  6. Back to Previous Level (Recursive): The result [4, 5] is received from the deeper recursion and added to the flattened_list of the current level of recursion.Current flattened_list (inside recursion): [2, 3, 4, 5]
  7. Recursive Call Finished: The recursion for the sublist [2, 3, [4, 5]] is complete, and the result [2, 3, 4, 5] is returned back to the original level of recursion.
  8. Back to Original Level: The result [2, 3, 4, 5] is received from the recursive call and added to the flattened_list of the original call.Current flattened_list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  9. Iteration 3: The function encounters 6 (non-list) and adds it to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  10. Iteration 4: The function encounters [7, [8]], a sublist. Another recursive call is made with this sublist.
  11. Recursive Call: The function is now called with the sublist [7, [8]].
    1. Iteration 1 (Recursive): The function encounters 7 (non-list) and adds it to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list (inside recursion): [7]
    2. Iteration 2 (Recursive): The function encounters [8], a sublist. A new recursive call is made.
  12. Recursive Call: The function is called with the sublist [8].
    1. Iteration 1 (Recursive): The function encounters 8 (non-list) and adds it to the flattened_list.Current flattened_list (inside deeper recursion): [8]
    The recursion at this level is done, and the result [8] is returned back to the previous level of recursion.
  13. Back to Previous Level (Recursive): The result [8] is received from the deeper recursion and added to the flattened_list of the current level of recursion.Current flattened_list (inside recursion): [7, 8]
  14. Recursive Call Finished: The recursion for the sublist [7, [8]] is complete, and the result [7, 8] is returned back to the original level of recursion.
  15. Back to Original Level: The result [7, 8] is received from the recursive call and added to the flattened_list of the original call.Current flattened_list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
  16. Flattening Complete: The iteration through the input list is complete, and the final flattened_list is returned.
  17. Print Results: The program prints both the original nested list [1, [2, 3, [4, 5]], 6, [7, [8]]] and the flattened list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].

Input/ Output

This Python program flattens a nested list using recursion.

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