HomeMicrosoft OfficeExcelPI Function in Excel

PI Function in Excel

In this post, you will learn about the PI function in Excel and how to use it in your excel spreadsheets.

The function returns the constant value π or pi which is approximately equal to 3.14159265.

PI Function in Excel



This syntax has no arguments

How to use PI Function in Excel?

  • This is an alternative in the use of the value pi. It is used instead of the approximate value 3.1415…
  • This function is used in various Excel mathematical formulas and functions.
PI Function in Excel
PI Function in Excel
  • The below example uses the constant pi to find the Circumference of the circle of radius 6.
  • Note: Circumference of a circle – 2 x Ï€ x radius.
PI Function in Excel
PI Function in Excel
  • The below example uses the pi value to find the Area of a circle of radius.
  • Note: Area of a circle – Ï€ x (radius)2
PI Function in Excel
PI Function in Excel

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  • November 23, 2021