Motivating a Development Team

Recently , I was discussing something related to the topic on how to motivate the developers . Although , the discussion was not a serious one but the discussion had quite a few interesting points and here’s I list out few points which we were able to discuss .

Motivating a Development Team

  • Better Configuration for their Computers – Most of the developers would like to work on a super speed system with good amount of RAM and also multiple monitors (if possible).
  • Great Tools to work – The development environment might have a big impact on the way the developers work . They need the necessary tools that does the work for them . May be giving the latest versions of the softwares would help them.
  • Good Internet Speed.
  • Good amount of time for the developers to learn or update their skills.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Proper Communication from the management about their expectations and clear goals or milestones.
  • Celebrations when there is something achieved by the team mates.
  • Free Drinks (Non-alcoholic) , Healthy snacks .
  • Good Team understanding and decrease the number of meetings (if possible).
  • Interesting projects or problems to work with.

Are there any other items which can be added / removed from the above list . Free feel to share it in the comments section.

    1 Comment

  1. Greg Brown
    August 22, 2014

    I would add:

    Working with cutting edge technology – framework, libraries, technologies, architectures etc. – Developers need to maintain relevant skills.
    Personal Development Budget – for conferences, training, books etc.
    Working on greenfield projects – Many developers would love to have the opportunity to start something from scratch
    Generous Tooling Budget – High End Macbook Pro’s – go to a tech conference – 90% of techies will be sporting one.
    Generous Package – The more mature developer would certainly be interested in health/dental packages, holiday entitlement, etc.

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