HomeMicrosoft OfficeExcelHow to Split worksheets in Microsoft Excel?

How to Split worksheets in Microsoft Excel?

This article shows you how to split worksheets in Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel provides a feature called Split that allows the user to split the worksheet into multiple panes in the same window so that you can work on multiple panes of the same worksheets at the same time.

How to split worksheets in Excel?

Consider a worksheet with data in it.

How to split worksheets in Microsoft Excel?

Now to split the worksheet, Go to the View tab, choose the Split option under the window group.

How to split worksheets in Microsoft Excel?

The Split option works in such a way that it divides the worksheet into different panes.

How to split worksheets in Microsoft Excel?

The vertical and the horizontal scroll bars allow you to scroll through the multiple split panes of the worksheet.

This is how you split a worksheet and work on various rows and columns at the same time.

How to undo a Split in Excel ?

To view the worksheet in the normal again i.e. without various panes by spliting.

Go to the View tab and unselect the Split option so as to undo the split panes.

    1 Comment

  1. User Avatar
    April 15, 2023

    Learning how to divide worksheets in Excel is beneficial.

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