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What is the name of the Design Language / UI used in Windows Phone? Answer: Metro UI
What are the Standard Hubs available in Windows Phone? Currently, the Windows Phone 7/7.5 has 6 hubs for the users...
Today , I encountered a wiered thing in my SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 where the intellisense was somehow...
Today , I was testing one of my Windows Phone App and ended up verifying the wrong version … Infact...
Here’s an interesting extension to Google Chrome called “IETab” that lets you use Internet Explorer from Google Chrome browser. To...
Ever got in to a scenario where you had to recover a lost file in Microsoft Word 2003 or Microsoft...
Microsoft Windows Identity Foundation Cookbook from PackPub and written by Sandeep Chandra is now published and is available for purchase...
Splash Screen makes your App look good when it is loading initially . It might be a good idea to...
What are the 5 things that a programmer can’t live without ? Below are few list of things that i...
In one of my earlier blog post , i explained about RadAutoCompleteBox showing how to display suggestions using a List...
If you are one of those users who wants to block Ads in Internet Explorer 9 , you can do...
Last few weeks , I have been playing around with this cool tool called Open DBDiff . As the name...
If you are one of those users who use command prompt more frequently , then below are different ways to...
I learnt something with the PowerShell today when searching for a largest file on my Windows 7 PC 🙂 If...
In the standard Windows Phone functions like messaging or Email App, when you enter a text, you will see the...
SQL Server Management Studio has a feature that lets you to automatically generate Create or Alter scripts when using the...
RadAutoCompleteBox is a Autocomplete textbox that is part of the RadControls for Windows Phone . The RadAutoCompleteBox provides a textbox...
Just noticed one of the error in Windows Phone Calculator when performing an calculation … Below are steps to reproduce...
Here’s an interesting blog post that helps you to find if your Computer is a boy or a Girl …...
During the Great Indian Developer Summit ( GIDS ) every year , Saltmarch Media honors and awards technologies , frameworks...

