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When you develop a Windows Phone App, you might build the app in the debug mode which can provide additional...
Capabilities are an easy way for the user to know about the resources / functionalities that an app can utilize...
When you created a new Windows Phone App , you would have noticed the following in the MainPage.XAML’s PhoneApplicationPage  element ....
When a new Windows Phone project is created , the Visual Studio creates the App.xaml file along with the App.xaml.cs...
When you open a Windows Phone XAML page, the Visual Studio 2010 IDE opens the files (Designer and XAML code)...
When you an open a Windows Phone XAML Page in Visual Studio 2010, it might take some time for the...
Few days back, the Player Framework for Windows 8 – Preview 6 was released which is now available for download...
Below are few collections of JavaScript Library that allows you to query JSON objects with the syntax similar like Syntax...
You can renew your Developer License in Windows 8 easily using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Note that the Developer License...
Few days back, Microsoft had officially launched the Visual Studio 2012 including .NET Framework 4.5 during the Visual Studio 2012...
Are you a Visual Basic 6 developer and looking for some information on the compatibility of the VB6 applications and...
Sometimes , it may be necessary for the C# developers to loop through or iterate over all the Enum Values...
When you create a new Modern UI(Metro) Windows 8 Project in Visual Studio , a default start page MainPage.xaml will...
When we create a new Windows 8 (Modern UI) style App, the following files are created by default 1. Package.appxmanifest...
To pass an argument by reference in C# , we use the keyword ref . There is also another keyword...
There are times when you want your Application to play default Windows Sounds when an alert message is displayed . If...
The Namespace in C# has the following advantages It lets the developers to organise their code / classes Provides a...
When you notice your System , you will find that by default your hard disk label startes with C:/ drive...
Yesterday , Microsoft had released the Windows 8 RTM along with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 which is...
Windows 8 App developers may need a developer license which lets you to develop, test and install Windows 8 Metro/Modern...

