We use abbreviations almost every day in our daily life. So we decided to crack down on some of the most frequently used abbreviations and their expansion when using Facebook Messenger.

100+ Useful Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting with Friends
Here is the list of 100+ Useful Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting with Friends.
- Fb: Facebook
- SOS: Someone on Shoulder
- POS: Parents Over the shoulder
- ASAP: As soon as possible
- 1NAM: One in a million
- AFAIK: As far as I know
- B4N: Bye for now.
- 143: I love you
- 1432: I love you too
- 2moro: Tomorrow
- 2N8: Tonight
- 404: No clue
- 4Eva: Forever
- BRB: Be right back
- LOL: Laugh out loud
- LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
- SD: Sweet dreams
- Gn: Good night
- WTH: What the hell
- LMK: Let me know
- TTYL: Talk to you later
- N: And
- BFF: Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
- kk: ok
- Kl: Cool
- BMT: Before my time
- w8: Wait
- OMG: OH my god!
- ASAIC: As soon as I can
- Ty/Tu: Thank you
- JFY: Just for you
- BBT: Be Back tomorrow
- BF: Boy Friend
- GF: Girlfriend
- BOT: Back on Topic
- HAND: Have a nice day!
- HF: Have Fun
- PM: Private Message
- BTW: By the way
- B/w: Between
- Zzz: Sleeping
- PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
- WU?: What’s up?
- TIA: Thanks in advance
- Abt. : About
- YSIC: Why should I care
- Y: Why or Yes
- Wru: Where are you?
- WOA: Work of Art
- TM: Trust me
- ROFL: Rolling on the Floor laughing
- TGIF: Thank god it’s Friday.
- BAU: Business As usual.
We have organised the abbreviations based on their emotions and usage.
Expressing emotions and feelings
Abbreviations which are used to express emotions and feelings
HIFW – How I feel when
MFW – My face when
MRW – My reaction when
IFYP – I feel your pain
LOL – Laughing out loud
TNTL – Trying not to laugh
JK – Just kidding
IDC – I don’t care
ILY – I love you
IMU – I miss you
ADIH – Another day in hell
IDC – I don’t care
ZZZ – Sleeping, bored, tired
WYWH – Wish you were here
TIME – Tears in my eyes
BAE – Before anyone else
SSDD – Same stuff, different day
QQ – Crying
FIMH – Forever in my heart
BSAAW – Big smile and a wink
BWL – Bursting with laughter
LMAO – Laughing my a** off
BFF:Â Best friends forever
CSL – Can’t stop laughing
Expressing Opinion and Reaction
Abbreviations used to express opinion and reaction
IMO\IMHO – In my opinion\In my humble opinion
OMDB – Over my dead body
NTH – Nice to have. what does nth mean in texting messaging
POV – Point of View
TBH – To be honest
FTW – For the win
WTF – What the f***
FTL – For the loss
YNK – You never know
SMH – Shaking my head
SRSLY – Seriously
YGTR – You got that right
GMTA – Great minds think alike
AYMM – Are you my mother?
CWOT – Complete waste of time
Abbreviations used in place of disclaimers.
IANAL – I am not a lawyer
TINLA-This is not legal advice
AFAIK – As far as I know
AFAIR – As far as I remember
AFAIC – As far as I’m concerned
ASL – Age, sex, location
AAMOF – As a matter of fact
FWIW – For what it’s worth
YMMV – Your mileage may vary
IIRC – If I remember correctly
DM – Direct message
AFAICT – As far as I can tell
TL;DR – Too long; didn’t read
Attracting attention
Abbreviations used for attracting attention.
IRL – In real life
TIL – Today I learned
SOML – Story of my life. What does SOML mean in texting? Most likely a person compares another person’s story with own situation.
EMBM – Early morning business meeting
J4F – Just for fun
JSYK – Just so you know
FAWC – For anyone who cares
RLRT – Real life retweet
OH – Overheard
WUZUP – What’s up?
CS – Career suicide
DWH – During work hours
Warning and recommendation
Abbreviations used for warning and recommendations
NSFW – Not safe for work
NSFL – Not safe for life
SFW – Safe for work
GRAS – Generally recognised as safe
NBD – Not big deal
OC – Original content
4AO – For adults only
OP – Original poster
PPL – People
ICYMI – In case you missed it
JIC – Just in case
NAGI – Not a good idea
GOI – Get over it
RBTL – Read between the lines
AYOR – At your own risk
DIY – Do it yourself
E123 – Easy as one, two, three
GAHOY – Get a hold of yourself
Asking for a favor or advice
Abbreviations used for asking a favour or advice
TMB – Tweet me back
WTPA – Where the party at?
DAE – Does anyone else?
PRT – Please retweet
PTB – Please text back
TIA – Thanks in advance
BUMP – Bring up my post
Notifications, wishes, greetings, closings
OMW – On my way
GRATZ – Congratulations
GL – Good luck
IDK – I don’t know
TTYL – Talk to you later
BRB – Be right back
W8 – Wait
NFS – Not for sale
B4N – Bye for now
B@U – Back at you
BBBG – Bye bye be good
BBIAS – Be back in a sec
RUOK – Are you OK?
CYT – See you tomorrow
DBMIB – Don’t bother me I’m busy
DM – Direct message
GFN – Gone for now
AFK – Away from keyboard