Which tablet platform to pick for your App iOS, Android, Windows or HTML5?

John Koetsier shares an interesting post on picking the tablet platform for the app that you develop.

John Koetsier shows the various choices of platforms available for the developers to develop an App that includes iOS , Android , Kindle Fire , Windows 8 , BlackBerry and HTML5

Below is my short opinion on the picking the platform for development.

Apple’s iOS is the leader in tablet sales and android being the leader in smartphone sales. With the Windows 8 to be launched officially later this year, it sounds like there are plenty of opportunities for the developers to develop or even port their app to different or almost all the popular platforms.

Almost all the platforms above support HTML5 with different levels of support. Check HTML5test.com to know more about how well does the browser support HTML5?

HTML5 may be a good option for the developer to look out for developing and porting the app easily across multiple platforms.

Some HTML5/JavaScript based libraries could also be looked at like

  • Phone Gap
  • Sencha Touch
  • JQuery Mobile
  • And more…

There is certainly an advantage on the Native development on these platforms and going HTML5 way or Native Way totally depends on the kind of project, target audience and the business model.

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