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- Windows Win32 Error 0x000019E5 – ERROR_COULD_NOT_RESIZE_LOG
- Component Object Model (COM) Error – CO_E_DBERROR 0x8004E02B
- Oracle Error ORA-24328: illegal attribute value
- Oracle Error ORA-01346: LogMiner processed redo beyond specified reset log scn
- SQL Server Error Msg 1459 – An error occurred while accessing the database mirroring metadata. Drop mirroring (ALTER DATABASE database_name SET PARTNER OFF) and reconfigure it.
- MySQL Error MY-010296 – ER_X509_CANT_READ_CA_KEY
- SQL Server Error Msg 7937 – Columnstore index has one or more missing column segments. Please run DBCC CHECKDB for more information.
- Oracle Error ORA-13241: specified dimensionality does not match that of the data
- SQL Server Error Msg 8685 – Query cannot be compiled because element appears in XML plan provided to USE PLAN but USE PLAN was applied to a non-cursor statement. Consider using an XML plan obtained from SQL Server for statement without modification.
- Oracle Error ORA-01562: failed to extend rollback segment number string
- MySQL Error MY-012140 – ER_IB_MSG_315
- Oracle Error ORA-12574: TNS:redirection denied
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- Oracle Error RMAN-05039: One or more auxiliary set datafiles could not be removed
- Oracle Error ORA-27453: string is an invalid job or program argument name.
- HPE NonStop SQL/MX Error – 1104 Default value string is too long for column column-name.
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- HPE NonStop SQL/MX Error – 2051 Either control optionoption name or value ‘value’is not valid.
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- Oracle Error ORA-22307: operation must be on a user-defined type
- Oracle Error SQL*Loader-00262: PIECED keyword (on column string) allowed only when path is direct
- Oracle Error ORA-27624: Smart I/O failed because the number of reconnects to the cell “string” exceeded the maximum allowed “string”.