HomeMicrosoft OfficeExcelMacro Recorder in Microsoft Excel

Macro Recorder in Microsoft Excel

In this article, lets have a look at the Macro Recorder in Excel. This gives an idea about How to record a macro and run a recorded macro in Microsoft Excel.

Macro Recorder in Excel 

The Macro Recorder is a useful tool that records every task you perform in Excel. To do so you need to just record a specific task once and you can execute the task again and again.

Record a Macro

1.Click the View tab.

2.Select Record macro from the Macros dropdown.

Macro Recorder in Excel

2. Enter macro name. (name cannot contain spaces)

4.Give a shortcut if needed.

5. Select This Workbook(default) from the drop-down list. So that the macro will be available in the current workbook only.

6. Click OK.

Macro Recorder in Excel

7. Right mouse click on the active cell.

8.Click Format Cells.

Macro Recorder in Excel

9. Select Percentage.

10. Click OK.

Macro Recorder in Excel

11. Finally, click Stop Recording from macros drop down.

Macro Recorder in Excel

This is how you record a macro with a macro recorder.

Run a Recorded Macro

Now you can test the macro to see if it can change the number format to Percentage.

1. Enter some numbers.

2. Select the numbers.

3. Click  the View tab and select macros.

4. Select view macros.

5.Select the macro and click Run.

Run a Recorded Macro

You can see the number format changed to percentage.

Run a Recorded Macro

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  • Excel
  • November 23, 2021