Loops in Excel VBA with Examples

In this article, you will be learning about loops in VBA and how to use ith with-in your Excel workbook with its example.

Loops in Excel VBA

VBA excel supports the following loops

  • For each
  • For next
  • Do while loop
  • Nested loops

Let’s see them in detail.

For Each

It provides an alternative approach to traverse the array or collection.


Following is the syntax of a For Each loop in VBA.

For Each element In Group

   [statement 1]

   [statement 2]


   [statement n]

   [Exit For]

   [statement 11]

   [statement 22]


Sample program using for each loop in VBA


Private Sub Constant_demo_Click() 

   ‘vegetable’ is an array.

   vegetable = Array(“onion”, “tomato”, “potato”)

   Dim vegetablenames As Variant

   ‘iterating using For each loop.

   For Each Item In vegetable

      vegetablenames = vegetablenames & Item & Chr(10)


   MsgBox vegetablenames

End Sub


Loops in Excel VBA with Examples

For Next

‘For Next’ Loop works by running the loop the specified number of times.

Syntax for For….next loop

For counter = start To end [ Step step ]
statements ]
Exit For ]
statements ]
Next [ counter ]

Sample program using for next loop in VBA.


Sub AddNumbers()

Dim Total As Integer

Dim Count As Integer

Total = 0

For Count = 111 To 120

Total = Total + Count

Next Count

MsgBox Total

End Sub


Loops in Excel VBA with Examples

Do While

Do…While loop is used to repeat a set of statements until a certain condition becomes true. The condition may be checked at the beginning of the loop or at the end of the loop.


Do While condition

   [statement 1]

   [statement 2]


   [statement n]

   [Exit Do]

   [statement 1]

   [statement 2]


   [statement n]


Sample program using do while loop in VBA


 Private Sub Constant_demo_Click()

   Do While i < 3

      i = i + 1

      msgbox “The value of i is : ” & i


End Sub


Loops in Excel VBA with Examples
Loops in Excel VBA with Examples
Loops in Excel VBA with Examples

Nested loops

In nested loops, two or more types of loops are present inside another loop.

Sample program using nested loops in VBA


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim i, j As Integer

For i = 111 To 120

For j = 111 To 115



MsgBox “The value of i is : ” & i

MsgBox “The value of i is : ” & j

End Sub


Loops in Excel VBA with Examples
Loops in Excel VBA with Examples

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