Free Bootstrap Website Templates

Bootstrap is one of the popular front end UI framework for the developers . The Bootstrap templates are generally compatible with all the browsers . There are plenty of free Bootstrap frameworks available and in the blog post , we try to list out some of the popular and free Bootstrap templates.

Free Bootstrap Website Templates


Grayscale is one of the multipurpose and single page website template that has dark layout with interesting and smooth scrolling page animations . Infact , this was one of the template that i used for a recent community event held in bangalore. The theme also has the Google Maps API integrated with the custom GMaps  skin by Snazzy Maps. Know more about Grayscale and download it from



Agency is one of the stylish single page Bootstrap theme for agencies and small businesses. You can know more about Agency Bootstrap template and download it from


SB Admin 2

SB Admin 2 is a Bootstrap admin theme and features features a variety of custom jQuery plugins to add extended functionality past the built in Bootstrap UI features like dashboard etc. Know more about SB Admin 2 from


We+ Coming

Plus Coming Landing Page Template is a simple responsive theme built with bootstrap version 3 which has a very clean code and simple customization options . Know more about We+ Coming Bootstrap template from


Ninestars – Free Bootstrap 3 theme for creative


A theme from Bootstrap taste which is a one page Bootstrap HTML template for creative or portfolio . Know more about Ninestars – free Bootstrap 3 theme for creative from

Slider Bootstrap Template

Slider Bootstrap template is a simple Bootstrap template with the support for full width images, overlay navbar and dot navigation. The page content has 3 feature content blocks, and long scrolling alternating left and right aligned content sections. Know more about Slider Bootstrap template at


There are plenty of free Bootstrap template available and the above ones are something that we tried out recently . If you came across any interesting Bootstrap templates , feel free to share it in the comments section.

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