Has someone sent you a file with .EPUB format and you are not sure of what is this format of file ?
Well EPUB stands for electronic publication , a standard ebook file format that is supported by most of the ebook reading devices .
The EPUB books can also be read on your PC or on smartphones usiang the reader Apps available in the respective marketplace . For example Aldiko for Android .
The EPUB file has to be converted into format when reading on Amazon Kindle .
Most of the online bookstores or publishers provide the ebooks in EPUB format .
Not just on devices , you can read EPUB files in your Firefoxe browser via the EPUBReader ( Firefox extension ).

The EPUBReader will unzip or uncompress the EPUB file that contains text files and images and displays the contents in your Firefox browser in more readable format .
Another interesting feature of the EPUBReader is that it opens the file just like anyother webpage displayed in tabs .
You can Open the EPUB file using the File -> File Menu in Mozilla Firefox .