May 2021

Showing 1 - 20 of 81 results
In this post, you will learn how to concatenate strings in your Excel spreadsheet programmatically using Excel VBA. Concatenate Strings...
C# Compiler Error CS0155 – The type caught or thrown must be derived from System.Exception Reason for the Error You...
C# Compiler Error CS0154 – The property or indexer ‘property’ cannot be used in this context because it lacks the...
C# Compiler Error CS0153 – A goto case is only valid inside a switch statement Reason for the Error You...
C# Compiler Error CS0152 – The switch statement contains multiple cases with the label value Reason for the Error You...
C# Compiler Error CS8119 – The switch expression must be a value; found ‘{0}’ Reason for the Error You will...
C# Compiler Error CS0150 – A constant value is expected Reason for the Error You will receive this error in...
C# Compiler Error CS0146 – Circular base class dependency involving ‘class1’ and ‘class2’ Reason for the Error You will receive...
C# Compiler Error CS0145 – A const field requires a value to be provided Reason for the Error When declaring...
C# Compiler Error CS0144 – Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface ‘interface’ Reason for the Error...
C# Compiler Error CS0140 – The label ‘label’ is a duplicate Reason for the Error This error is specific to...
C# Compiler Error CS0139 – No enclosing loop out of which to break or continue Reason for the Error You...
Compiler Error CS0138 – A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces; ‘type’ is a type not a...
C# Compiler Error CS0136 – A local variable named ‘var’ cannot be declared in this scope because it would give...
In this post, you’ll learn how to use Like operator with-in your excel spreadsheet using Excel VBA. Like Operator in...
In this post, you’ll learn how to copy a range of cells to other worksheets in Microsoft Excel. How to...
In this post, you will learn how to reverse a string in your excel spreadsheet using Excel VBA with an...
In this post, you’ll learn how to embed PDF Documents in Web Pages in simple steps. How do you embed...
C# Compiler Error CS0133 – The expression being assigned to ‘variable’ must be constant Reason for the Error You will...
C# Compiler Error CS0132 – ‘constructor’ : a static constructor must be parameterless Reason for the Error You will receive...

