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SQL Server 101

Showing 1 - 13 of 13 results
Have you noticed the Context Menu , when you right click on the table in the SQL Server Management Studio...
If you want to return the current date time in SQL Server , the easiest way to do it is...
There are times when you want to add an column with a default value to the existing table in SQL...
You might have a scenario where you want to find out how much space that each of the tables in...
If you want to find currently running SQL Query in SQL Server, you can use the Dynamic Management View dm_exec_requests...
In this post, youโ€™ll learn how to use IS NOT NULL conditional statement in SQL with some examples. IS NOT...
You can use the convert function in SQL Server to retrieve only the date part from the date time. How...
You might want to search all the tables in your database for a specific column name in order to rename...
If you need to check if a column exists in a table or not in SQL Server , below is...
This was one of the quick task that I was required to work where i need to get the domain...
If you are looking at a way to find the identity of the inserted row in SQL Server , you...
Assume that you have a Order table and you want to query the table to retreive the total orders made...
In SQL Server, you may want to round up or round down a number to find the ceiling or floor...