HomePosts tagged โ€œopensourceโ€


Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
You can amend a committed message in gitย by using the below command git commit โ€“amend How to amend a committed...
SharpZipLibย is anย OpenSource .NET compression libraryย that supports Zip files using both stored and deflate compression method The SharpZipLib currently supports the...
  • November 30, 2024
This blog post will list out some of the popular and free SQLLite Management tools which lets the developers or...
Earlier, in one of my previous posts, I blogged aboutย SharpZipLib โ€“ Zip Compression library for .NETย and wanted to explore if...
  • November 24, 2024
There are times when you want to integrate the URL Shorteners in your SharePoint websites to make the URL looks...
What is Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone ? Silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone is a opensource framework which provides additional...
This tutorial will demonstrate on how to delete a record using Dapper in .NET. Note that we will continue using...
This tutorial will demonstrate in simple steps on how to retrieve a record (single record) from a table using Dapper...