Showing 61 - 80 of 234 results
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -646 table table name cannot be created in partitioned/default tablespace tspace...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -644 invalid value specified for keyword keyword in stmt type statement...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -638 table table name cannot be created because column definition is...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -637 duplicate keyword keyword in the IBM DB2 database , the...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -636 the partitioning keys are not specified in ascending or descending...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -635 the delete rules cannot be different or cannot be set...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -634 the delete rule must not be cascade in the IBM...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -633 the delete rule must be delete rule in the IBM...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -632 the delete rule must be delete rule in the IBM...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -631 foreign key name is too long or has too many...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -629 set null cannot be specified because foreign key name cannot...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -628 a segmented tablespace may not be partitioned in the IBM...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -627 the alter statement is invalid because the pageset has user...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -626 the alter statement is not executable because the pageset is...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message +625 the definition of table table-name has been changed to incomplete...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -625 table table name does not have an index to enforce...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -624 table table name already has a primary key in the...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -623 a clustering index already exists on table table name in...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -621 database cannot be created because assigned dbid dbid is the...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022
In this post, youโ€™ll learn about the error message -620 keyword keyword in stmt type statement is not permitted for...
  • DB2
  • November 21, 2022

