Showing 221 - 240 of 682 results
C# Error CS1986 โ€“ โ€˜awaitโ€™ requires that the type {0} have a suitable โ€˜GetAwaiterโ€™ method Reason for the Error &...
C# Compiler Error CS0226 โ€“ An __arglist expression may only appear inside of a call or new expression. Reason for...
C# Error CS1018 โ€“ Keyword โ€˜thisโ€™ or โ€˜baseโ€™ expected Reason for the Error & Solution Keyword โ€˜thisโ€™ or โ€˜baseโ€™ expected...
C# Error CS0703 โ€“ Inconsistent accessibility: constraint type โ€˜{1}โ€™ is less accessible than โ€˜{0}โ€™ Reason for the Error & Solution...
C# Compiler Error CS0538 โ€“ โ€˜nameโ€™ in explicit interface declaration is not an interface Reason for the Error Youโ€™ll get...
C# Error CS1583 โ€“ Error reading Win32 resources โ€” {0} Reason for the Error & Solution โ€˜fileโ€™ is not a...
C# Error CS8411 โ€“ Asynchronous foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type โ€˜{0}โ€™ because โ€˜{0}โ€™ does not contain a...
C# Compiler Error CS0118 โ€“ construct1_nameโ€™ is a โ€˜construct1โ€™ but is used like a โ€˜construct2โ€™ Reason for the Error You...
C# Compiler Error CS0540 โ€“ โ€˜interface memberโ€™ : containing type does not implement interface โ€˜interfaceโ€™ Reason for the Error Youโ€™ll...
C# Compiler Error CS0165 โ€“ Use of unassigned local variable โ€˜nameโ€™ Reason for the Error You will receive this error...
C# Error CS0706 โ€“ Invalid constraint type. A type used as a constraint must be an interface, a non-sealed class...
C# Error CS0611 โ€“ Array elements cannot be of type โ€˜{0}โ€™ Reason for the Error & Solution Array elements cannot...
C# Error CS1612 โ€“ Cannot modify the return value of โ€˜{0}โ€™ because it is not a variable Reason for the...
C# Compiler Error CS0116 โ€“ A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods. Reason for the Error...
C# Error CS1642 โ€“ Fixed size buffer fields may only be members of structs Reason for the Error & Solution...
C# Error CS1551 โ€“ Indexers must have at least one parameter Reason for the Error & Solution Indexers must have...
C# Error CS0734 โ€“ The /moduleassemblyname option may only be specified when building a target type of โ€˜moduleโ€™ Reason for...
C# Error CS8150 โ€“ By-value returns may only be used in methods that return by value Reason for the Error...
C# Error CS1511 โ€“ Keyword โ€˜baseโ€™ is not available in a static method Reason for the Error & Solution Keyword...
C# Error CS1593 โ€“ Delegate โ€˜{0}โ€™ does not take {1} arguments Reason for the Error & Solution Delegate โ€˜delโ€™ does...