HomeOracleOracle Error ORA-37133: (XSCCOMP08) You cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. Use the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to reenable write access.

Oracle Error ORA-37133: (XSCCOMP08) You cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. Use the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to reenable write access.

Oracle Error Message

ORA-37133: (XSCCOMP08) You cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. Use the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to reenable write access.

Reason for the Error

The user attempted to store a value into to a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, and the variable had previously been precomputed using the AGGREGATE command. Once the AGGREGATE command is run on a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, it becomes read-only until the computed values are removed with the CLEAR command.


Run the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to remove the computed values from the variable and then rerun the failed operation. Note that CLEAR AGGREGATES will remove all the data computed during the last AGGREGATE command on this variable.


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