HomeOracleOracle Error ORA-26866: The Queue of string Apply process “string” is not changeable.

Oracle Error ORA-26866: The Queue of string Apply process “string” is not changeable.

Oracle Error Message

ORA-26866: The Queue of string Apply process “string” is not changeable.

Reason for the Error

Not all of the conditions for the Queue of a GoldenGate, XStream or Streams Apply process to be changeable were met. Conditions are: -The Apply process is not running. -The Apply process has no error. -The Apply process has no spilling. -The Apply process is not used for XStream Outbound or Inbound Servers. -The Apply process is a local Apply process. -The corresponding GoldenGate, XStream or Streams Capture process should be stopped.


Make sure all of the conditions are met.


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