HubTile is a Windows Phone control that is part of the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone .
This control enables the Developer to build a screen that has Tiles and somewhat similar to the Windows Phone start screen .
The HubTile in Windows Phone Silverlight Toolkit has the following properties
- Title
- Message
- Notification
HubTile in Windows Phone
The HubTile is also randomly animated with effects
To create a HubTile on a Windows Phone Page , just drag and drop the HubTile control from the Visual Studio Toolbox .
The XAML for the HubTile should looke like this
<toolkit:HubTile Height=”174″ HorizontalAlignment=”Left” Margin=”21,29,0,0″ Name=”hubTile1″ VerticalAlignment=”Top” Width=”172″ />
Alternatively you can create the HubTile in the code behind too
1. Add the reference to the namespace “Microsoft.Phone.Controls”
2. Create an instance of the HubTile
HubTile hubTile1 = <strong>new</strong> HubTile();
Then set the HubTile properties Title and Message
hubTile1.Title = "hubTile1"; hubTile2.Message = "Welcome to hubTile2";
In the below screenshot , you could see the 6 HubTiles created on the Windows Phone Page …
If you noticed the background color of the HubTile , you might find that it is same as the Theme Accent coloe of your Windows Phone …