How to Shutdown Windows 8.1 using Shortcut Key ?

Do you want to shutdown Windows 8.1 machine quickly without using the mouse ? If yes , you can use the shortcut key to achieve this .

How to Shutdown Windows 8.1 using Shortcut Key ?

1. Press the Windows + D shortcut key to display the desktop .

2. Press Alt + F4 shortcut key . This will display the Windows Shutdown dialog .


3. By default , the selected option in the Shutdown Windows Dialog is “shutdown” Press “Enter” key to shutdown.

Make sure that you use the Windows + D to show the desktop first and then use the shortcut key (Alt + F4) or else if you have any desktop applications open which is active , you will end up closing it.

    1 Comment

  1. PHenry
    May 19, 2014

    I think you can get there faster with Win+X, U, U? Windows Key + X brings up the context menu, you’ll see shut down or sign out option, hit U, the you’ll see four more options, hit U again to shutdown.

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