This post is about Word Count in Microsoft Word and how to show Word Count of your Word Document.
How to Show Word Count in Microsoft Word?
If you want to know the count of the words and pages you used in your Word document, check the status bar. Microsoft word automatically shows the number of words and page count of the document while you entering the text in the Status Bar.

To include more options like page number and character with spaces in your Word Count. Right-click on the status bar, you will find Customize Status Bar.
To get the Word Count statistics of your document, click on the Word Count in the status bar.

Word Count in Selection:
You can also find the word count for the selection or selections in your Word Document by clicking on the Word Count button, in the Proofing Group, on the Review Tab.
This option also gives you the statistics of the number of pages, words, characters, paragraphs, and lines used in your document, as shown below.

These are the ways to know the Word Count of your document in Microsoft Word.