In this post, you’ll learn how to copy file or Workbook in simple steps using Excel VBA.
Copy File or Workbook in Excel VBA
To copy a file or workbook you can use the FileSystemObject(FSO)command. With this you can access the file system of your computer.
Copy A File or a Workbook
To copy a file or a workbook,
Dim FSO As Object Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Call FSO.CopyFile("C:\Excel VBA \ Excel VBA 1.xlsx", "C:\ Excel VBA \", True)
Copy and Rename a File
To copy and rename a file,
Dim FSO As Object Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Call FSO.CopyFile("C:\Excel VBA\Excel VBA 1.xlsx", "C:\Excel VBA\Sample file.xlsx")