HomeASP.NETCollection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

Collection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

Looking for different View Engines available in ASP.NET MVC ? In this blog post , I will share some of the ASP.NET MVC View Engines available for the ASP.NET Developers.

Collection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

1. ASPX View Engine

This View Engine is familiar for most of the ASP.NET developers .

Collection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

Collection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

2. Razor View

A new View Engine that was introduced with the ASP.NET MVC 3 . It is unit testable and pretty easy to learn.

Collection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

Collection of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

3. Hasic

Hasic is a view engine for ASP.NET MVC that uses the VB.NET’s XML literals.

Know more about Hasic here

4. Bellevue

Bellevue is a prototype open source template engine for ASP.NET MVC framework which uses HTML as its core without any additional syntax.

Know more about Bellevue here

5. Spark View Engine

Another interesting view engine for ASP.NET MVC and Castle Project MonoRail frameworks. Know more about Spark View Engine and download here

6. Brail View

Brail View Engine is ported from the MonoRail Project to target the ASP.NET MVC Framework . It is listed in the MvcContrib : an Outercurve Foundation project .

Know more about the Brail View here

7. SharpTiles

SharpTiles is a template View Engine that is built for ASP.NET MVC and Monorail framework. It is a partial port of JSTL with the Tiles framework concept.

Know more about SharpTiles here

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