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In C# , we can use the out parameters to get the behavior of the call by reference. In the...
In this example, we will create a C# program to find and print all the prime numbers between 1 and...
I have got a offer from uCertify to review their PrepKit and I have accepted that challenge and now I...
If you need to send emails via SMTP programmatically using C# , you can use the the SmtpClient class that...
C# Error CS8401 โ€“ To use โ€˜@$โ€™ instead of โ€˜$@โ€™ for an interpolated verbatim string, please use language version โ€˜{0}โ€™...
I use .First() method in some of the Entity Framework LINQ queries to return only one record . This works...
C# Compiler Error CS0155 โ€“ The type caught or thrown must be derived from System.Exception Reason for the Error You...
C# Error CS1930 โ€“ The range variable โ€˜{0}โ€™ has already been declared Reason for the Error & Solution The range...
C# Compiler Error CS0157 โ€“ Control cannot leave the body of a finally clause Reason for the Error You will...
C# Error CS1106 โ€“ Extension method must be defined in a non-generic static class Reason for the Error & Solution...
C# Error CS4004 โ€“ Cannot await in an unsafe context Reason for the Error & Solution Cannot await in an...
C# Error CS0701 โ€“ โ€˜{0}โ€™ is not a valid constraint. A type used as a constraint must be an interface,...
C# Compiler Error CS0220 โ€“ The operation overflows at compile time in checked mode Reason for the Error You will...
C# Compiler Error CS0272 โ€“ The property or indexer โ€˜property/indexerโ€™ cannot be used in this context because the set accessor...
C# Error CS8168 โ€“ Cannot return local โ€˜{0}โ€™ by reference because it is not a ref local Reason for the...
C# Error CS0564 โ€“ The first operand of an overloaded shift operator must have the same type as the containing...
You can get the total number of items defined in an enum in C# using the combination of the Enum.GetNames...
C# Error CS1620 โ€“ Argument {0} must be passed with the โ€˜{1}โ€™ keyword Reason for the Error & Solution Argument...
C# Compiler Error CS0260 โ€“ Missing partial modifier on declaration of type โ€˜typeโ€™; another partial declaration of this type exists...
Recently , I had received an query from one of my blog readers asking the question related to SQL and...