HomeCSharpC# Error CS8177 – Async methods cannot have by-reference locals

C# Error CS8177 – Async methods cannot have by-reference locals

C# Error

CS8177 – Async methods cannot have by-reference locals

Reason for the Error & Solution

Async methods cannot have by-reference locals

To manage asynchronous state, async methods use a state machine, capturing variable state in closures implemented in compiler-generated classes and properties. A local variable reference (on the stack) cannot be captured within the instance of a class in the heap, so the compiler issues an error.


The following sample generates CS8177:

// CS8177.cs (20,26)

using System.Threading.Tasks;

class E
    public class Enumerator
        public ref int Current => throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        public bool MoveNext() => throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator();

class C
    public async static Task Test()
        await Task.CompletedTask;

        foreach (ref int x in new E())

To correct this error

Changing the variable declaration to remove the ref modifier corrects this error:

class C
    public async static Task Test()
        await Task.CompletedTask;

        foreach (int x in new E())

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