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In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “41210 – The semantic language statistics database is not accessible...
Oracle Error Message ORA-29964: missing ADD or DROP keyword Reason for the Error One of the keywords ADD or DROP...
Oracle Error Message ORA-04047: object specified is incompatible with the flag specified Reason for the Error The object type implied...
Oracle Error Message ORA-04014: descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE Reason for the Error sequences that cycle must have...
MySQL Error Message Error installing plugin ‘%s’: %s Reason for the Error ER_DA_PLUGIN_INSTALL_ERROR was added in 8.0.17.
Oracle Error Message ORA-07327: smpdal: attempt to destroy pga when it was not mapped. Reason for the Error Smpdal was...
MySQL Error Message Invalid replication timestamps: original commit timestamp is more recent than the immediate commit timestamp. This may be...
Oracle Error Message NZE-29005: The certificate is invalid. Reason for the Error The peer certificate encoding is invalid when using...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39037: Object type path not supported for string metadata filter. Reason for the Error An object type...
MySQL Error Message Table ‘%s’ has indexes other than primary key. Reason for the Error ER_INDEX_OTHER_THAN_PK was added in 8.0.32.
Oracle Error Message ORA-10567: Redo is inconsistent with data block (file# string, block# string, file offset is string bytes) Reason...
MySQL Error Message VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition
Oracle Error Message KUP-04009: invalid SLF handle Reason for the Error An internal error caused a data structure associated with...
This blog post will explain one of the new feature called Records that was introduced in C# 9.0. Records in...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “35517 – execution_count” in Microsoft SQL Server, the reason why...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “6286 – ‘%s’ ASSEMBLY failed because a different version of...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19129: XQST0069: A static error is raised if a Prolog contains more than one empty order declaration...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24802: user defined lob read callback error Reason for the Error The only valid return value for...
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “40088 – CSN being set is outside the CSN epoch...