100 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on C#

Are you ready to test your knowledge and sharpen your skills in C# programming? Whether you’re a beginner looking to solidify your understanding or an experienced developer seeking a fun challenge, this blog post is here to help you. We have compiled a collection of 100 multiple-choice questions and answers on C# that cover a wide range of topics, allowing you to assess your grasp of the language.

C# is a powerful programming language widely used for developing a variety of applications, including desktop software, web applications, and mobile apps. Having a strong foundation in C# is essential for any aspiring or professional software developer. By diving into these multiple-choice questions, you’ll not only gauge your knowledge but also gain insights into different aspects of C# programming.

QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
1. Which of the following is NOT a primitive data type in C#?intdoublestringboolstring
2. What is the default access modifier for a class member in C#?publicprivateprotectedinternalprivate
3. What is the purpose of the var keyword in C#?To implicitly declare a local variable with inferred typeTo create an instance of a classTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo implicitly declare a local variable with inferred type
4. Which keyword is used to define a constant in C#?constfinalstaticconstantconst
5. What is the purpose of the using statement in C#?To import namespaces or define resource scopeTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo define a loop constructTo import namespaces or define resource scope
6. Which of the following is NOT a valid access modifier in C#?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
7. What is the purpose of the static keyword in C#?To define class-level variables or methodsTo create multiple instances of a classTo prevent a class from being inheritedTo throw an exceptionTo define class-level variables or methods
8. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# loop statement?forwhileuntildo-whileuntil
9. What is the purpose of the abstract keyword in C#?To define a base class or method that must be overriddenTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo exit a loop or switch statementTo define a base class or method that must be overridden
10. Which keyword is used to inherit a class in C#?inheritsextendsimplementsderivesinherits
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
11. What is the purpose of the delegate keyword in C#?To define a type that represents a method signatureTo perform mathematical calculationsTo define a conditional statementTo compare two variablesTo define a type that represents a method signature
12. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedinternalinternal
13. What is the purpose of the try-catch statement in C#?To handle exceptions and perform error handlingTo declare a variableTo define a loop constructTo perform logical operationsTo handle exceptions and perform error handling
14. Which keyword is used to create an instance of a class in C#?newcreateinstanceinstantiatenew
15. What is the purpose of the interface keyword in C#?To define a contract for implementing classesTo perform arithmetic operationsTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo define a contract for implementing classes
16. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# conditional operator?><==<><>
17. What is the purpose of the foreach statement in C#?To iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo sort elements in a collectionTo perform bitwise operationsTo exit a loop or switch statementTo iterate over elements in a collection or array
18. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from being inherited in C#?sealedstaticfinalprotectedsealed
19. What is the purpose of the StringBuilder class in C#?To create mutable stringsTo compare two variablesTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo create mutable strings
20. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# exception handling keyword?trycatchfinallyelseelse
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
21. What is the purpose of the out keyword in C#?To pass arguments by reference and return multiple valuesTo declare a variableTo define a loop constructTo perform logical operationsTo pass arguments by reference and return multiple values
22. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# data type modifier?publicprivatestaticreadonlypublic
23. What is the purpose of the this keyword in C#?To refer to the current instance of a classTo create an instance of a classTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo refer to the current instance of a class
24. Which keyword is used to handle the cleanup of unmanaged resources in C#?usingdisposecleanupreleaseusing
25. What is the purpose of the as operator in C#?To perform type casting with safe conversionTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a conditional statementTo exit a loop or switch statementTo perform type casting with safe conversion
26. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access specifier?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
27. What is the purpose of the yield keyword in C#?To create an iterator for a collectionTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo create an iterator for a collection
28. Which keyword is used to handle exceptional conditions in C#?trycatchthrowfinallythrow
29. What is the purpose of the enum keyword in C#?To define a set of named constantsTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo define a loop constructTo define a set of named constants
30. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# control flow statement?if-elseswitchforwhile-elsewhile-else
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
31. What is the purpose of the async and await keywords in C#?To enable asynchronous programming and simplify handling of asynchronous tasksTo perform mathematical calculationsTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo enable asynchronous programming and simplify handling of asynchronous tasks
32. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access level?publicprivateprotectedinternalinternal
33. What is the purpose of the lambda expression in C#?To create anonymous functionsTo declare a variableTo perform logical operationsTo define a loop constructTo create anonymous functions
34. Which keyword is used to perform early termination of a loop in C#?breakexitcontinuereturnbreak
35. What is the purpose of the nameof operator in C#?To obtain the name of a variable, type, or member as a stringTo perform arithmetic operationsTo define a conditional statementTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo obtain the name of a variable, type, or member as a string
36. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# exception handling block?trycatchfinallyelseelse
37. What is the purpose of the ref keyword in C#?To pass arguments by referenceTo create an instance of a classTo perform bitwise operationsTo exit a loop or switch statementTo pass arguments by reference
38. Which keyword is used to create an abstract method in C#?abstractvirtualoverridesealedabstract
39. What is the purpose of the lock keyword in C#?To synchronize access to shared resources in a multi-threaded environmentTo compare two variablesTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo synchronize access to shared resources in a multi-threaded environment
40. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# data type?intfloatdecimalnumbernumber
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
41. What is the purpose of the params keyword in C#?To pass a variable number of arguments to a methodTo declare a constant valueTo define a loop constructTo perform logical operationsTo pass a variable number of arguments to a method
42. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
43. What is the purpose of the base keyword in C#?To access members of the base classTo create an instance of a classTo define a conditional statementTo compare two variablesTo access members of the base class
44. Which keyword is used to explicitly inherit an interface in C#?implementsextendsinheritsinterfaceimplements
45. What is the purpose of the default keyword in C#?To initialize variables with their default valuesTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo exit a loop or switch statementTo initialize variables with their default values
46. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# bitwise operator?&``~%
47. What is the purpose of the sealed keyword in C#?To prevent a class from being inheritedTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo prevent a class from being inherited
48. Which keyword is used to specify a variable that cannot be modified in C#?readonlyconstantimmutablestaticreadonly
49. What is the purpose of the nameof operator in C#?To obtain the name of a variable, type, or member as a stringTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo obtain the name of a variable, type, or member as a string
50. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# loop statement?forwhileuntildo-whileuntil
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
51. What is the purpose of the using statement in C#?To automatically release resourcesTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo automatically release resources
52. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
53. What is the purpose of the static keyword in C#?To define members that belong to the class itself, rather than instances of the classTo create an instance of a classTo define a conditional statementTo exit a loop or switch statementTo define members that belong to the class itself, rather than instances of the class
54. Which keyword is used to specify that a method overrides a base class method in C#?overridevirtualnewbaseoverride
55. What is the purpose of the checked keyword in C#?To enable overflow checking for arithmetic operationsTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo enable overflow checking for arithmetic operations
56. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# logical operator?&&``!
57. What is the purpose of the abstract keyword in C#?To define a class that cannot be instantiated and can only be inheritedTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo define a class that cannot be instantiated and can only be inherited
58. Which keyword is used to specify that a method can be overridden in a derived class in C#?virtualoverridenewbasevirtual
59. What is the purpose of the var keyword in C#?To infer the type of a variable at compile timeTo declare a constant valueTo define a loop constructTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo infer the type of a variable at compile time
60. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# relational operator?==!=>:=:=
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
61. What is the purpose of the readonly keyword in C#?To declare a variable that can only be assigned a value at the time of declaration or in a constructorTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo exit a loop or switch statementTo declare a variable that can only be assigned a value at the time of declaration or in a constructor
62. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
63. What is the purpose of the delegate keyword in C#?To define a reference type that can hold a method referenceTo create an instance of a classTo define a conditional statementTo compare two variablesTo define a reference type that can hold a method reference
64. Which keyword is used to specify that a method or class cannot be overridden or inherited in C#?sealedoverridenewabstractsealed
65. What is the purpose of the typeof operator in C#?To obtain the type object of a specified typeTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo obtain the type object of a specified type
66. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# assignment operator?=+=++*=++
67. What is the purpose of the interface keyword in C#?To define a contract for implementing a set of methods and propertiesTo perform logical operationsTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo define a loop constructTo define a contract for implementing a set of methods and properties
68. Which keyword is used to specify that a method or class can be accessed without creating an instance in C#?staticinstancedynamicthisstatic
69. What is the purpose of the using directive in C#?To import namespaces and enable the use of types without fully qualifying their namesTo compare two variablesTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo import namespaces and enable the use of types without fully qualifying their names
70. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# conditional operator?? :??!:?.!:
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
71. What is the purpose of the try-catch block in C#?To handle and catch exceptionsTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo handle and catch exceptions
72. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
73. What is the purpose of the out keyword in C#?To pass a parameter by reference and allow the method to modify its valueTo create an instance of a classTo define a conditional statementTo exit a loop or switch statementTo pass a parameter by reference and allow the method to modify its value
74. Which keyword is used to specify that a class cannot be instantiated in C#?abstractvirtualsealedstaticabstract
75. What is the purpose of the sizeof operator in C#?To obtain the size in bytes of a value typeTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo obtain the size in bytes of a value type
76. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# unary operator?++--!~~
77. What is the purpose of the partial keyword in C#?To allow a class or struct to be defined in multiple source filesTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo allow a class or struct to be defined in multiple source files
78. Which keyword is used to specify that a class member can be accessed by derived classes in C#?protectedprivateinternalbaseprotected
79. What is the purpose of the yield keyword in C#?To define an iterator and generate a sequence of valuesTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo exit a loop or switch statementTo define an iterator and generate a sequence of values
80. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# bitwise operator?&``~^
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
81. What is the purpose of the nameof operator in C#?To obtain the name of a variable, type, or member as a stringTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo obtain the name of a variable, type, or member as a string
82. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedfriendlyfriendly
83. What is the purpose of the ref keyword in C#?To pass a parameter by reference and allow the method to modify its valueTo create an instance of a classTo define a conditional statementTo exit a loop or switch statementTo pass a parameter by reference and allow the method to modify its value
84. Which keyword is used to specify that a class can be inherited in C#?classstructsealedbaseclass
85. What is the purpose of the as operator in C#?To perform a safe type conversion or castTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo perform a safe type conversion or cast
86. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# logical operator?&&``!
87. What is the purpose of the override keyword in C#?To indicate that a method overrides a base class methodTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo indicate that a method overrides a base class method
88. Which keyword is used to specify that a class member belongs to the instance of a class in C#?thisstaticdynamicconstthis
89. What is the purpose of the params keyword in C#?To allow a variable number of arguments to be passed to a methodTo define a constant valueTo define a loop constructTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo allow a variable number of arguments to be passed to a method
90. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# loop statement?forwhileuntildo-whileuntil
QuestionOption AOption BOption COption DAnswer
91. What is the purpose of the lock keyword in C#?To synchronize access to a shared resourceTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo compare two variablesTo synchronize access to a shared resource
92. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# access modifier?publicprivateprotectedinternalinternal
93. What is the purpose of the params keyword in C#?To allow a variable number of arguments to be passed to a methodTo create an instance of a classTo define a conditional statementTo exit a loop or switch statementTo allow a variable number of arguments to be passed to a method
94. Which keyword is used to specify that a class cannot be inherited in C#?sealedoverrideabstractvirtualsealed
95. What is the purpose of the typeof operator in C#?To obtain the type object of a specified typeTo perform bitwise operationsTo manage memory allocation for objectsTo define a base classTo obtain the type object of a specified type
96. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# relational operator?==!=><><>
97. What is the purpose of the async keyword in C#?To define an asynchronous method that can be awaitedTo compare two variablesTo perform logical operationsTo iterate over elements in a collection or arrayTo define an asynchronous method that can be awaited
98. Which keyword is used to specify that a class member can only be accessed within the same assembly in C#?internalprotectedprivatebaseinternal
99. What is the purpose of the using directive in C#?To import namespaces and enable the use of types without fully qualifying their namesTo perform arithmetic calculationsTo define a loop constructTo exit a loop or switch statementTo import namespaces and enable the use of types without fully qualifying their names
100. Which of the following is NOT a valid C# bitwise operator?&``~^


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