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Theming in Windows Phone 7

A theme is a visual appearance for the controls in the Operating System .Changing the themes in the Mobile , affects the appearance of the applications that has Theming in it .

Theming in Windows Phone 7

With the support of  Theming available in Windows Phone 7 , Here is a simple way to change the it . By Default , the theme is Dark Blue .

Note : I am using emulator here .

1. Click the start button .

2. Go to the Settings page

3. Select the Themes .

4. You can now change the Theme settings here.

Change the background and the assent color.

The accent colors can be Orange, Blue, Red, and Green … and the Background can be Dark or Light

This is how the UI looks when I change the Theme.

For the Development , the Theming is implemented via the Resource Files.

The names of the Theme properties are predefined  Eg : Phone<PropertyName><Type>

The Visual Studio 2010 inserts the Dark Blue theme properties into App.xaml, in the  resources collection.

Here’s the screenshot of the App.XAML File .

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