Showing 1941 - 1960 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-48411: The trace files exceeds the maximum number [string] Reason for the Error The input trace file...
Oracle Error Message ORA-28115: policy with check option violation Reason for the Error Policy predicate was evaluated to FALSE with...
Oracle Error Message ORA-44802: No new plan (classifier list) has been submitted Reason for the Error No new plan was...
Oracle Error Message ORA-38729: Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK. Reason for the Error There was not...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12509: TNS:listener failed to redirect client to service handler Reason for the Error The dispatcher terminated unexpectedly...
Oracle Error Message ORA-06505: PL/SQL: variable requires more than 32767 bytes of contiguous memory Reason for the Error A PL/SQL...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13715: โ€œstringโ€ is not recognized by ADDM as a parameter name Reason for the Error The specified...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02142: missing or invalid ALTER TABLESPACE option Reason for the Error A valid option was not present....
Oracle Error Message ORA-48129: invalid input for the full path specification Reason for the Error Input was incorrectly specified for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24156: duplicate table alias string Reason for the Error there is a table alias of the same...
Oracle Error Message ORA-06570: shared pool object does not exist, cannot be pinned/purged Reason for the Error The specified shared...
Oracle Error Message ORA-51700: Invalid file URL Reason for the Error A URL with invalid syntax was provided, either directly...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02452: invalid HASHKEYS option value Reason for the Error The specified HASHKEYS option must be an integer...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39195: At least one schema in the TABLE_FILTER does not exist. Reason for the Error The TABLE_FITER...
Oracle Error Message ORA-38434: could not evaluate expression โ€œstringโ€ Reason for the Error Either the expression was not in a...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09291: sksachk: invalid device specified for archive destination Reason for the Error Unable to access directory Solution...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09342: Detached process terminated by Oracle during shutdown abort Reason for the Error The user performed a...
Oracle Error Message ORA-26689: column datatype mismatch in LCR Reason for the Error The datatypes of columns in the LCR...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12808: cannot set string_INSTANCES greater than number of instances string Reason for the Error An attempt was...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12720: operation requires database is in EXCLUSIVE mode Reason for the Error This command can only be...