Showing 18481 - 18500 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-44905: extended link type not supported Reason for the Error XLink type attribute is extended. Solution Remove...
Oracle Error Message NZE-28755: object retrieval failure Reason for the Error The system failed to retrieve information from a file...
Oracle Error Message ORA-07493: scgrcl: lock manager error. Reason for the Error An error was encountered releasing the lock. Solution...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09803: Allocation of string buffer failed. Reason for the Error a buffer used to hold the name...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-20039: format requires character when duplexing Reason for the Error SET_DUPLEX=ON was specified, but %c was not...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24759: invalid transaction start flags Reason for the Error An invalid transaction start flag was passed. Solution...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-08525: backing up blocks string through string Reason for the Error This is an informational message only...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24099: operation not allowed for 8.0 compatible queues Reason for the Error The specified operation is only...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02831: Segment deallocation failed โ€“ empty segment list Reason for the Error The caller attempted to deallocate...
Oracle Error Message ORA-01347: Supplemental log data no longer found Reason for the Error The source database instance producing log...
Oracle Error Message DIA-48004: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory (โ€œstringโ€,โ€stringโ€,โ€stringโ€,โ€stringโ€) Reason for the Error More shared memory...
Oracle Error Message ORA-42027: cannot redefine an object online that is not a table Reason for the Error An attempt...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-05583: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of TABLESPACE Reason for the Error A TABLESPACE...
Oracle Error Message ORA-38472: VARCHAR representation of the data item is too long. Reason for the Error The VARCHAR representation...
Oracle Error Message SQL*Loader-00959: Error shipping buffer across 2-task Reason for the Error Header message. Solution Check the error(s) below...
Oracle Error Message ORA-27491: repeat_interval and start_date cannot both be NULL Reason for the Error An attempt was made to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13379: invalid index for sub-element to be extracted Reason for the Error An invalid (or out of...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06230: List of Stored Scripts in Recovery Catalog Reason for the Error This message is issued in...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16412: TRANSPORT=ONDEMAND is unsupported Reason for the Error The archivelog destination TRANSPORT=ONDEMAND attribute was specified on the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24195: attemp to retrieve the name list of a map message with size exceeding 1024 Reason for...