Showing 17661 - 17680 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-15160: rolling migration internal fatal error in module string,string Reason for the Error Rolling migration experienced a...
Oracle Error Message QSM-00501: unable to initialize Summary Advisor environment Reason for the Error The Summary Advisor external procedure initialization...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16960: SQL Analyze could not reproduce the desired plan. Reason for the Error SQL Analyze failed to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19696: control file not found in backup set Reason for the Error The control file could not...
Oracle Error Message ORA-25467: table alias not specified Reason for the Error An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12352: object string.string@string is invalid Reason for the Error An attempt was made to reference (compile against)...
Oracle Error Message ORA-15023: reached maximum allowable number of disks string Reason for the Error An attempt was made to...
Oracle Error Message NID-00144: New name for database string is the same as current name string Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13626: The specified object string is not valid for task string. Reason for the Error The user...
Oracle Error Message ORA-28535: invalid Heterogeneous Services context Reason for the Error A Heterogeneous Services agentโ€™s driver module called an...
Oracle Error Message ORA-40113: insufficient number of distinct target values Reason for the Error Less than two distinct target values...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02397: exceeded PRIVATE_SGA limit, you are being logged off Reason for the Error Only when using TP...
Oracle Error Message IMP-00057: Warning: Dump file may not contain data of all partitions of this table Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-14195: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for RANGE or LIST partitioned object Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-04033: Insufficient memory to grow pool Reason for the Error The system had insufficient memory to grow...
Oracle Error Message ORA-08323: scnmin: close of bias lock failed Reason for the Error A call to the lkmgr failed...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36164: (XSMXAGGR07) When using the COUNTVAR clause, the number of variables to be aggregated (number) must match...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39240: Error while processing difference document. Reason for the Error Error occurred in the MDAPI difference writer....
Oracle Error Message ORA-19210: column โ€˜stringโ€™, specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_XMLSTORE, does not not exist...
Oracle Error Message ORA-25331: cannot downgrade because there are commit-time queue tables Reason for the Error An attempt was made...