Showing 17321 - 17340 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-48177: file name with full path information [string] not allowed Reason for the Error Input was incorrectly...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06923: Directory string.string found in the database Reason for the Error A directory object was found in...
Oracle Error Message ORA-15016: inconsistent respecification of path โ€˜stringโ€™ Reason for the Error The specified path was provided more than...
Oracle Error Message ORA-25317: Propagation stopped because of instance shutdown Reason for the Error A propagation job has stopped because...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06600: old RMAN configuration parameters: Reason for the Error This message is issued in response to a...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12007: materialized view reuse parameters are inconsistent Reason for the Error The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW .. or...
Oracle Error Message OCI-31078: error in SQL mapping information Reason for the Error There is an error in the SQL...
Oracle Error Message ORA-14010: this physical attribute may not be specified for an index partition Reason for the Error unexpected...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48412: The parameters exceeds the maximum number [string] Reason for the Error The input paramter number exceeds...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string. Reason for the Error The user...
Oracle Error Message ORA-22855: optional name for LOB storage segment incorrectly specified Reason for the Error The optional name for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12684: encryption/crypto-checksumming: Diffie-Hellman seed too small Reason for the Error The โ€œsqlnet.crypto_seedโ€ parameter in the SQLNET.ORA parameter...
Oracle Error Message ORA-29871: invalid alter option for a domain index Reason for the Error The user specified an invalid...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48145: invalid seek location, [string], [string] Reason for the Error Invalid seek location specified for routine. Solution...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36632: (XSDUNION01) The concat dimension workspace object is not currently defined as UNIQUE. Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00110: One or threads failed โ€“ check log. Reason for the Error One or more GNS failed...
Oracle Error Message ORA-10924: import storage parse error ignore event Reason for the Error causes server to ignore specific error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-22914: DROP of nested tables not supported Reason for the Error Attempted to DROP a nested table....
Oracle Error Message ORA-16449: incomplete redo thread enable operation Reason for the Error The switchover operation could not continue because...
Oracle Error Message ORA-07497: sdpri: cannot create trace file โ€˜stringโ€™; errno = string. Reason for the Error 1. The trace...