Showing 16701 - 16720 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-15260: permission denied on ASM disk group Reason for the Error An attempt was made to perform...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09818: Number is too large Reason for the Error ORACLE was unable to convert a component string...
Oracle Error Message ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace. Reason for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-15522: failed to generate a workload capture subset: โ€œstringโ€ Reason for the Error An attempt to generate...
Oracle Error Message EXP-00030: Unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input Reason for the Error Encountered an End-Of-File while reading the...
Oracle Error Message CLSGN-00183: Number of retries exceeded maximum: number. Reason for the Error An operation failed after the maximum...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48436: File [string] does not exist Reason for the Error the file does not exist Solution Validate...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-05561: CATALOG did not return information about tablespaces with undo segments Reason for the Error A DUPLICATE...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36825: (XSTBLFUNC13) An error occurred expanding the cube_name argument in the OLAP table function Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48480: No incidents are created Reason for the Error There is no incident Solution No action
Oracle Error Message PLS-00135: Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier, string or numeric literal Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-10568: Failed to allocate recovery state object: out of SGA memory Reason for the Error out of...
Oracle Error Message ORA-27160: process requested to perform operation Reason for the Error The current process was requested to perform...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06612: Incompatible options were specified for archivelog deletion policy Reason for the Error Incompabitle options were specified...
Oracle Error Message ORA-56974: Invalid set of import options Reason for the Error The import options specified are inconsistent Solution...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string Reason...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24234: unable to get source of string โ€œstringโ€.โ€stringโ€, insufficient privileges or does not exist Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13539: invalid input for modify baseline window size (string, string) Reason for the Error Invalid input was...
Oracle Error Message ORA-15278: external redundancy diskgroup requires at least one regular disk Reason for the Error An attempt was...
Oracle Error Message ORA-27486: insufficient privileges Reason for the Error An attempt was made to perform a scheduler operation without...