Showing 16281 - 16300 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06510: RMAN retention policy is set to recovery window of number days Reason for the Error This...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP workspace object. Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48200: Illegal Input Argument [string] Reason for the Error An illegal argument was passed in. Solution Fix...
Oracle Error Message ORA-37575: Invalid cube operations log component, โ€œstringโ€. Reason for the Error Invalid cube operations log component value....
Oracle Error Message ORA-32482: sequence column for SEARCH clause must be different from the cycle mark column for CYCLE clause...
Oracle Error Message ORA-47027: Factor Link does not exist for string and string Reason for the Error The factor link...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06165: datafile string is too old to recover, restore a more recent copy Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02085: database link string connects to string Reason for the Error a database link connected to a...
Oracle Error Message OCI-01862: wrong number of digits for this format item Reason for the Error The number of digits...
Oracle Error Message ORA-30514: system trigger cannot modify tablespace being made read only Reason for the Error A beofre trigger...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06478: WARNING: datafile copy โ€˜stringโ€™ cannot be found on disk Reason for the Error The CHANGE DATAFILECOPY...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48475: [string] is not a valid timestamp Reason for the Error The input timstamp string is not...
Oracle Error Message ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance Reason for the Error The RDBMS instance was unable to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-24016: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, user string does not have execute privileges on QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message NID-00120: Database should be mounted exclusively Reason for the Error The database was started in parallel mode....
Oracle Error Message ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file โ€“ old control file Reason for the Error The...
Oracle Error Message RDJ-00004: invalid trace level Reason for the Error The trace level specified was incorrect. Solution Specify a...
Oracle Error Message ORA-25400: must replay fetch Reason for the Error A failure occured since the last fetch on this...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16800: redo transport service for a standby database incorrectly set to ALTERNATE Reason for the Error The...