Showing 15961 - 15980 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-14096: tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION must have the same number of columns Reason for the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-26530: unable to build materialized view refresh control list Reason for the Error The materialized view control...
Oracle Error Message ORA-12919: Can not drop the default permanent tablespace Reason for the Error An attemp was made to...
Oracle Error Message DIA-48178: error encountered while reading an ADR block file during ADR initialization [string] Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39782: Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended Reason...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00581: inheritance is not supported for opaque types Reason for the Error An attempt was made to...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-06783: Update of datafile headers of locally managed datafiles finished. Reason for the Error This is an...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00242: invalid external type specification for CONTEXT Reason for the Error An inappropriate external parameter type was...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00546: SELF may not be declared as a REF parameter. Reason for the Error SELF was declared...
Oracle Error Message ORA-49428: No such directory or directory not accessible [string] Reason for the Error The specified directory does...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-08164: validation succeeded for proxy copy Reason for the Error The VALIDATE HEADER option determined that the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-29833: indextype does not exist Reason for the Error There is no indextype by the specified name....
Oracle Error Message ORA-56715: string resource plan contains a reserved word Reason for the Error The specified plan name is...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00302: component โ€˜stringโ€™ must be declared Reason for the Error In a reference to a component (for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-16750: failed to activate logical standby database Reason for the Error The Data Guard broker failed to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-48119: error encountered when attempting to remove a file [string] [string] Reason for the Error There was...
Oracle Error Message ORA-36913: (XSAGDNGL49) In AGGMAP workspace object, LOAD_STATUS object workspace object must be an undimensioned VALUESET over the...
Oracle Error Message RMAN-05003: Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery is not allowed for tablespace string Reason for the Error The SYSTEM, SYSUAX...
Oracle Error Message EXP-00042: Missing NLS_CHARACTERSET/NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET in props$ Reason for the Error A value for NLS_CHARACTERSET/NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET was not entered in...
Oracle Error Message ORA-13409: null or invalid pyramidLevel parameter Reason for the Error The specified pyramidLevel parameter was null or...