Showing 2661 - 2680 of 18538 results
Oracle Error Message ORA-10615: Invalid tablespace type for temporary tablespace Reason for the Error Tablespace with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGENEMT...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09879: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas read page Reason for the Error Error in shmat....
Oracle Error Message ORA-27035: logical block size is invalid Reason for the Error logical block size for oracle files must...
Oracle Error Message ORA-19268: XQST0048 โ€“ namespace string does not match target namespace string Reason for the Error The module...
Oracle Error Message ORA-31038: Invalid string value: โ€œstringโ€ Reason for the Error The text in the XML document did not...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02278: duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE/NOMAXVALUE specifications Reason for the Error Self-evident. Solution Remove the duplicate or conflicting...
Oracle Error Message QSM-00511: invalid fact-tables specified in fact-filter Reason for the Error The tables specified in the fact-filter are...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00539: subprogram โ€˜stringโ€™ is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00441: EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; โ€˜stringโ€™ is not a label Reason for the Error...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02445: Exceptions table not found Reason for the Error the explicity or implicity declared exceptions table does...
Oracle Error Message ORA-39298: Cannot alter materialized view partitioning type or partitioning columns. Reason for the Error DBMS_METADATA_DIFF was comparing...
Oracle Error Message ORA-31454: invalid value string for operation parameter, expecting: ADD or DROP Reason for the Error The specified...
Oracle Error Message ORA-21522: attempted to use an invalid connection in OCI (object mode only) Reason for the Error User...
Oracle Error Message SQL*Loader-00551: internal error: error initializing slf Reason for the Error An internal error occured while trying to...
Oracle Error Message ORA-32116: Buffer size is less than amount specified Reason for the Error The buffer size specified for...
Oracle Error Message ORA-09827: SCLGT: atomic latch return unknown error. Reason for the Error System call atomic_op() return unexpected error....
Oracle Error Message ORA-28577: argument string of external procedure string has unsupported datatype string Reason for the Error While transferring...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02310: exceeded maximum number of allowable columns in table Reason for the Error The attributes in the...
Oracle Error Message ORA-02352: error setting an OCI attribute: string Reason for the Error An OCI error has occurred. Solution...
Oracle Error Message PLS-00636: overriding method requires OVERRIDING keyword Reason for the Error An attempt was made to provide an...