HomeCSharpRegular Expression and UK Telephone Number Validation in C#

Regular Expression and UK Telephone Number Validation in C#

Here’s simple code snippet demonstrating how to validate a UK Telephone number (both Mobile and landline number) using regular expression in C#.

Regular Expression and UK Telephone Number Validation in C#

Regex regValidUKNumber = new Regex(@"^\s*(([+]\s?\d[-\s]?\d|0)?\s?\d([-\s]?\d){9}|[(]\s?\d([-\s]?\d)+\s*[)]([-\s]?\d)+)\s*$");
string[] inputData = new
{ "0116 1111111"
, "07777777777"
, "7777777777"
, "+44 7777777777"
, "(0800) 111 111"
foreach (string telephoneNumber in inputData)
Console.WriteLine("match({0}) = {1}", telephoneNumber, regValidUKNumber.Match(telephoneNumber).Success);


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