HomeOracleOracle Error ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J.

Oracle Error ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J.

Oracle Error Message

ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J.

Reason for the Error

The user is attempting to use partitions as a means of sparsity control, however they have set up their partitions in a manner that simply makes no sense. It is a simple fact that during aggregation data becomes more dense, not less dense, and yet their partitions indicate the opposite.


Modify the partition template add the specified dimension into the source composite, or removing it from the target composite.


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