How to retrieve the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone 8 using C# ?

Here’s a simple tip that lets you retrieve the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone 8 using C# .

You can use the Property ScaleFactor defined in the App.Current.Host.Content class to identify the scale factor .

string WindowsPhoneScreenResolution = App.Current.Host.Content.ScaleFactor.ToString();

txtScreenResolution.Text = WindowsPhoneScreenResolution;

This property will return the values 100 , 150 and 160 .

How to retreive the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone 8 using C# ?

How to retreive the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone 8 using C# ?

How to retreive the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone 8 using C# ?

How to retreive the Screen Resolution of Windows Phone 8 using C# ?

The below table illustrates what resolution , the scalefactor maps to.

  • WVGA = 100
  • WXGA = 160
  • 720P = 150

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