You can access the Cellular Settings of the Windows Phone from your App by using the Launcher “ConnectionSettingsTask” .
The ConnectionSettingsTask will launch the settings form of the specified property of the ConnectionSettingsType .
How to modify Cellular Settings in Windows Phone using C# ?
The ConnectionSettingsType currently accepts AirplaneMode , Bluetooth , Cellular and WiFi .
To access the Cellular Settings form , just set the ConnectionSettingsType of the “ConnectionSettingsTask” to Cellular and call the show method .
How to modify Cellular Settings in Windows Phone using C# ?
This will launch the Cellular Settings form which allows the user to modify them .
To use the ConnectionSettingsTask Launcher , use the namespace Microsoft.Phone.Tasks;
ConnectionSettingsTask connectionTask = new ConnectionSettingsTask(); connectionTask.ConnectionSettingsType = ConnectionSettingsType.; connectionTask.Show();
Is it possible to change the settings without using the launcher? I only want a button that dissable the wifi for example, not a button that open the wifi configuration
No . Currently its not possible to change the settings without the launcher screen…